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Introducing Because

12 Feb


“Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, BECAUSE of your love and faithfulness.”
Psalm 115:1

Lately I have been reminded of the importance of connections.  That no matter our age, background, career, or stage of life, what women celebrate about or struggle with are much the same. Our stories often intertwine as we comfort, encourage, and pray for one another. And the consistent thread binding us together is Christ ~ our Redeemer whose crazy love compels us to live with purpose.

Although we are not defined by a single event or experience or passion, each of us can be used as living proof of the God who relentlessly pursues our hearts.  He wants us to magnify Him and to be a light that shines to point others to eternal hope.

So today I introduce Because.  Each month you will meet a woman who will share a short encouragement of what God is teaching her through His word. My prayer is through these voices you will find strength and have some laughs, too.

Thank you to Pam Blum, who graciously agreed to write for this month’s theme:  Because We Help One Another