Tag Archives: love

What to Expect When We’re Expectant

23 Dec

But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.
Luke 2:19

She sat quietly as strangers rushed to the stable.  A heavenly host of angels had announced to the world  ~ the long expected Jesus was born!


What was she thinking, this young girl who had just been thrust into history? Her son…God’s son…had come to bring hope to the world. She knew the promises and prophecies. His life would not be an easy one, as he was destined for persecution, rejection, and ultimately, a brutal death.

But this night?  Mary was silent. Pondering the beauty and wonder of what was happening. Treasuring this time with her child.

This child, who would be her son and Savior.

Why am I drawn to this single verse of the Christmas story? Because I’m weary. The calendar has been packed with parties and shopping and decorating. So many things to do. So little time to just be. And I crave stillness.

The expectations of the season have ebbed away at my expectant heart.

Mary knew the intimacy of just being in the moment with her Lord. Of shutting everything out and fixing her eyes on the One whom the world had longed for.

The One who longed for her presence, too. This little baby, whose birth would divide time and death would reconcile sinners, came so she could spent eternity with him.

Yes, Mary’s experience was different. Unique as she was physically entrusted with the Messiah.  But we have the presence of God, too. The Holy Spirit, who came upon Mary to bring Jesus to us, dwells now within us.  Draws us to quiet and peace and intimacy. To the gift of knowing God.

In these last hours before Christmas, would you join me in coming with an expectant heart to Jesus?

Let’s find quiet places, in front of lit trees or sentimental nativity sets or wherever draws our spirits upward. And in the silence and calm, treasure up His love. His goodness. His mercy. His provision. His compassion. His grace.

His everything.

Be still and know that He is God.

Be still and know that He is.

Be still and know.

Be still.
